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Cool Game Sites

City of Heroes - My favorite MMO. It's been very good to me over the years.

Kotaku - Decent source of consumer gaming info. Reviews are somewhat iffy.

Gamasutra - Great source for game developers.

Title Screen

Game Play 1

Game Play 2

Santa Balls 3D

I'll try to leave off all the punny jokes and references that have been mentioned about the title of this series of games, but it may be difficult.

I'm not quite sure how Santa Ball's got rolling, but I do know a few years ago Santa Balls 1 was created. After a very successful run, the sequel was released "Santa Balls 2". It was bigger, better, and had a deeper game experience than the original.

So when we started throwing around the idea of a 3rd Santa Balls, we instantly began searching for ways that it would be bigger and better than even Santa Balls 2.

On top of added game play and special features, we decided to go the obvious route with "Santa Balls 3D"! With a little help from Maya we were able to create a fully modeled, textured and rigged Oliver the elf along with a handful of ornaments to adorn the third installment of the game.

    My Role

  • 3d Modeling/Texturing/Lighting
  • 3d Rigging/Animation
  • Art Direction