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Web Illusion

This was defineatly one of the favorite sites I ever created. Although not as technologically advanced, or traffic heavy as the Dragon Ball Z site, it was a site about magic. And if you're gonna do a site about magic, who better to feature than probably the most recognized name in magic of our time, David Copperfield.

I worked on the site for six years. Through that time, the site featured a themed chatroom, a virtual tour of David's private museum, an exclusive site for his fan club (complete with video clips) and a registered user-base of over 250,000 fans.

The incredible thing about the Copperfield community, was it's reach. It was literally global. We had posts from people all around the world. The board community itself was so tight, that we had two people, from opposite ends of the country meet, become friends and ultimately marry.

Site Note: The Copperfield site has been featured in "Magic" magazine, the book "Cyberspace for Kids", and given positive reviews by newspapers such as the Chicago Tribune.