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Cool Game Sites

City of Heroes - My favorite MMO. It's been very good to me over the years.

Kotaku - Decent source of consumer gaming info. Reviews are somewhat iffy.

Gamasutra - Great source for game developers.

Title Screen

Between Rounds

Game Play


Pengapop was the first game release I worked on at Blockdot and it remains one of my favorite Kewlbox games today. I wish I could take credit for the fun stylized Penguin Frank but for anyone who visits Kewlbox regularly, they'll definitely recognize Frank as Dan's creation from way before I arrived. Frank has certainly become as much an icon of the holiday's around Blockdot as Oliver the Elf.

No, I'm afraid the majority of my work on Pengapop was the inbetween round, and tutorial Flash movies. This is the project where there was plenty of trial and error as we tried to get Flash and Director to play nice with each other. You'd think that since they're made by the same company that wouldn't be a problems...but then you'd be wrong.

The amount of undocumented technical tookiness that is required to get Flash to behave with Director is pretty scary. But in the end we were able to get everything to work out and Pengapop was born.

    My Role

  • Flash Animations