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What Would You Imagine?

I've always been facinated by special effects. George Lucas is probably mostly to blame for that. I mean who could NOT be amazed by the gigantic Star Destroyers, the colorful glow a lightsaber, or the white flash of a blaster bolt. Yep, one hundred and twenty-three minutes later I was hooked.

My first sci-fi epic was shot in 8mm (that's actual film folks), and featured lego ships dangling from black thread flying across starfield covered black construction paper. Over the years my techniques have evolved...thank goodness.

These days with tools like Maya, Adobe After Effects, and Photoshop it almost seems as if there's nothing that can be imagined that can't be created.

This short clip is a montage of some of the visual effects I've created for projects ranging from card demos, to commercials, to personal projects.