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David Copperfield

Dragon Ball Z

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Web Slinger

Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spiderman, is most likely the world's most famous web slinger. Funny thing is, it happened by accident. One little spider bite, then the next morning he wakes up climbing skyscrapers and shooting indestructable webs from his fingertips (o.k. comic geeks, correct me, it was his forearms...but that's not the point). The point is, he goes to sleep your normal guy and wakes up a superhero.

Mr. Parker and I have a lot in common...except for the whole wall crawling, web shooting, and well...the superhero thing. O.k., so we have ONE thing in common, our journey to becoming web slingers was accidental and happened virtually overnight.

There I was, creating a couple of websites as a hobby, nothing 'professional' just personal sites and a fan site for David Copperfield. Then I interview for an Art Director position at an ad agency and they say, "Forget the Art Director thing. We need someone to head up our internet department."

The rest, as they say, is history. Literally overnight, the web went from being a hobby, like stamp collecting, to something that I would spend the next seven years of my career doing.

This little hobby has taken me to all parts of the nation and let me work with people all about the world. Not bad for a non-superhero.